Tuesday 17 August 2010

Good and bad news

The n97mini has gone back to WomWorld Nokia. it's a little saddening really.

it had a few flaws like all phones do, but they could be ignored. plain and simply becuase it
worked well. it could have been a worthy replacement to the E71 over the 5230.

Below are the naughty trio. all with Endomondo fired up and ready to go.

The naughty toys in standby.

i touched on this before but i felt guilty when using the n97 mini, even had butterflies when i turned on the phone, yes thats sad! I admit it.

but it worked well, the GPS issues improved with an update to Endomondo, Sports tracker was not the best, but showed me where i needed to improve, ( My issue is where i need to work on my breathing an fatigue. to try and reduce stoppages as a result)
I shall now use the E71 and the 5230 for both tasks.

I would be posting an endomondo post for the last 2 days, but sadly Endomondo is down, Sunday was a casual 7.5 mile ride around Kensworth and Dunstable with gus, the main intention was the hill climbing avaliable to me on these routes. to improve on my own fatigue issies.

Mondays was a longer ride on a solo route.

Route took me into Dagnall, and into studham, through kensworth and back home over the downs.

Tonight i plan to go on a similar route
but going straight through dagnall, into Ringshall, little gaddeston, studham, Whipsnade, Dunstable downs then homeward bound. (or i may go to ashridge then back to dagnall then studham from there.)

this route will be demanding as the route is situated on a lot of narrow roads with steep hills with nowhere to hide away. (well on to ashridge anyway) But all in good fun i suppose.

On a bad note.

MRI Scan tomorrow.
the only thing annoying me is i should probably ride it, but i think with training tonight i will be a little sleepyface to ride at 9am

Good side is were closer to finding out the cause of my problems and how to fix them :)

One small update is were also building a trailer for my bike so we can keep some sort of supplies on us during the ride, which if all goes to plan will mean we'll have tools, energy snacks and emergency parts if anything goes wrong. I'll even try and install breaks to help with the additional load it'll be carrying :)

time to get ready for tonight

Stay safe.
Paul :D

1 comment:

  1. Dude i wish Nokia liked me as much as you i asked to be apart of Womworld once but well yeah the outcome is i now own an Iphone not just in spite but that was partly the reason :)
